
Archive for the ‘medical’ Category

Here is a press release from the Association for Psychological Science about the negative effects of lonliness.  And this isn’t just for seniors – everyone can be impacted by isolation.

The press release, from the APS,  shows the importance of having a caregiver i the home for the elderly because being left alone for long periods of time can actually have a detrimental effect of their health.  Just another reason why the services of Home Instead Senior Care can help the elderly get well, and stay well.

Two University of Chicago psychologists, Louise Hawkley and John Cacioppo, have been trying to disentangle social isolation, loneliness, and the physical deterioration and diseases of aging, right down to the cellular level.

The researchers suspected that while the toll of loneliness may be mild and unremarkable in early life, it accumulates with time. To test this idea, the scientists studied a group of college-age individuals and continued an annual study of a group of people who joined when they were between 50 and 68 years old.

Their findings, reported in the August issue of Current Directions in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, are revealing. Consider stress, for example. The more years you live, the more stressful experiences you are going to have: new jobs, marriage and divorce, parenting, financial worries, illness. It’s inevitable.

However, when the psychologists looked at the lives of the middle-aged and old people in their study, they found that although the lonely ones reported the same number of stressful life events, they identified more sources of chronic stress and recalled more childhood adversity. Moreover, they differed in how they perceived their life experiences. Even when faced with similar challenges, the lonelier people appeared more helpless and threatened. And ironically, they were less apt to actively seek help when they are stressed out.

Hawkley and Cacioppo then took urine samples from both the lonely and the more contented volunteers, and found that the lonely ones had more of the hormone epinephrine flowing in their bodies. Epinephrine is one of the body’s “fight or flight” chemicals, and high levels indicate that lonely people go through life in a heightened state of arousal. As with blood pressure, this physiological toll likely becomes more apparent with aging. Since the body’s stress hormones are intricately involved in fighting inflammation and infection, it appears that loneliness contributes to the wear and tear of aging through this pathway as well.

There is more bad news. When we experience the depletion caused by stress, our bodies normally rely on restorative processes like sleep to shore us up. But when the researchers monitored the younger volunteers’ sleep, they found that the lonely nights were disturbed by many “micro awakenings.” That is, they appeared to sleep as much as the normal volunteers, but their sleep was of poorer quality. Not surprisingly, the lonelier people reported more daytime dysfunction. Since sleep tends to deteriorate with age anyway, the added hit from loneliness is probably compromising this natural restoration process even more.

Loneliness is not the same as solitude. Some people are just fine with being alone, and some even see solitude as an important path to spiritual growth. But for many, social isolation and physical aging make for a toxic cocktail.


Author Contact: Louise Hawkley hawkley@uchicago.edu

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By Shannon Wygant, Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) and owner of the Waterford and Walled Lake, Michigan franchises of Home Instead Senior Care. 

  1. My 68-year-old father discovered at his last physical that his cholesterol is up.  He watches what he eats and is very active.  However, it seems that he’s always stressed out and angry about something.  Are there any studies that link stress and cholesterol?

 As a matter of fact, a study just released in August at the 115th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA) found that older white men who are better able to cope with stress do in fact have more “good cholesterol” than those who are more hostile or isolated (http://www.apa.org/releases/cholesterolC07.html). According to the APA, this study gathered data from 716 men—average age of 65—to look at hostility, stress and coping processes, and cholesterol levels.  The subjects were given a questionnaire that asked them to rate how often they used 26 coping strategies.  The study found that:

  • Individuals high in hostility were more likely to perceive problems as stressful and react with negative behavior, self-blame and social isolation.
  • Men who were better able to cope could make a plan of action and pursue it.

Following an overnight fast, the subjects’ blood was tested for high-density lipoproteins (good cholesterol), low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides.  The authors had theorized that hostility would have an effect on all three lipoproteins, but what they discovered was a direct effect on HDL and triglycerides, but not on LDL.   (more…)

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There was some interesting research done in London this past year in whihc no deinitive answers were found, but raised several new and rather complex questions on the issue of dementia and it’s causes.  However, this may again call for a deeper understanding of the importance fitness and nutrition factors in trying to prevent dementia.

Here is a snip from the article as reported on Scientific American.com:

By Anne Harding

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Older people who have lost their teeth are at more than three-fold greater risk of memory problems and dementia, UK researchers report.

“This study essentially raises questions rather than answering them,” Dr. Robert Stewart of Kings College London, the study’s lead author, told Reuters Health. “The measurements were taken at the same time, so we are not able to say what caused what.”

It’s possible that people with cognitive impairment simply take worse care of their teeth, he added, but there are also mechanisms by which poor dental health itself could harm the brain. “One message still stands regardless of what caused what,” he said. “Particular attention may need to be paid to the health and nutrition of people with cognitive impairment because they may also have dental problems.”

You can read the entire article by clicking here.

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By Shannon Wygant, Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) and owner of the Waterford and Walled Lake, Michigan franchises of Home Instead Senior Care. 

  1. After years of suffering from digestive problems, my 74-year-old mother was recently diagnosed with celiac disease.  What can you tell me about this condition, and how I can help?  She lives alone and needs a lot of support?

 According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (http://celiac.nih.gov/), celiac disease is a digestive disease that damages the small intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients.  People who have this disease cannot tolerate a protein called gluten—found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats.  When ingesting gluten, the immune systems of those with celiac disease respond by damaging the small intestine’s villi, fingerlike protrusions that allow food to be absorbed into the blood stream. October is National Celiac Disease Awareness Month, a good time to learn more about this disease, which impacts about 2 million people (1 in 133) in the U.S., according to the Clearinghouse.  The disease also is known as “celiac sprue,” “nontropical sprue” and “gluten-sensitive enteropathy.” According to the Clearinghouse, researchers are studying the reasons celiac disease affects people differently.  Some who have this disease may not have symptoms, while others may not know their symptoms are from this disease.  Some common symptoms of those with celiac disease can include gas; recurring abdominal bloating and pain; chronic diarrhea; weight loss or gain; fatigue; tingling or numbness in the legs; muscle cramps; and itchy skin.   The only treatment for celiac disease is to follow a gluten-free diet.  For most people, following this diet will stop the symptoms and heal existing intestinal damage and prevent further damage, according to the Clearinghouse.  Following are some resources to help provide more information:

 Your mother’s doctor may have asked her to work with a dietician on a food plan that can help heal her body.  If your mom needs more support at home, consider encouraging her to hire a companion—such as a Home Instead CAREGiver—who could provide assistance with grocery shopping and meal preparation.  CAREGivers are screened, trained, bonded and insured, and offer other services to seniors such as medication reminders, light housekeeping and errands.  Editor’s Note:  This is a continuation in a bi-weekly series which will be emailed every other Monday to regional press affiliates to help promote health, welfare, and advocacy for our senior population.  Bert Copple, Director of Community Relations, can be reached via email at dcrcommerce@inspireseniors.com, or via cell at 248-953-9916.

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By Shannon Wygant, Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) and owner of the Waterford and Walled Lake, Michigan franchises of Home Instead Senior Care. 

Q.    Since my wife died last year, I’ll be going to the doctor alone for my annual physical this year.  I’m nervous and don’t know what to ask.  And, at age 78, I’m hard of hearing.  Do you have any suggestions?      

We thought you might find the following information helpful.  U.S. Preventive Medicine, a private company that works with hospital and physicians groups, recently released tips to help consumers get the most from their annual physicals. 

Prioritize and verbalize personal concerns and goals.  Before you go to the visit, identify all of your concerns and what you expect, and write those down. 

Review family medical history.  Many diseases are hereditary.  Make sure you know your family history and provide a detailed outline to the doctor. 

Get an examination the old-fashioned way.  A thorough physical must include a thorough examination, no matter how uncomfortable, for early detection and prevention. 

Find out about metabolic syndrome.  Metabolic syndrome increases the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease and is easily diagnosed through a cholesterol or lipid profile, blood glucose (sugar), blood pressure readings and measurement of waist circumference.  Metabolic syndrome is not routinely addressed by many doctors during a physical. Take the initiative and ask if you should be assessed. 

Ask about screening for chronic diseases.  Early detection leads to improved prognosis for many of the most common chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.  Talk to your doctor about a schedule of recommended preventive screenings. 

Review the list of prescription and over-the-counter medication you currently take. While medications and supplements may have life-saving benefits or provide symptom relief, all may induce detrimental side effects in some individuals under certain circumstances.  Provide your doctor with a complete list of all prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, herbs or other supplements that you are taking or have   recently taken. 

Another suggestion, from the non-medical caregiving company Home Instead Senior Care, is to take a trusted friend or family member with you to the doctor’s appointment.  That individual can help you understand what the doctor is saying if you can’t hear his/her comments and instructions.  If you don’t have anyone like that, consider hiring a professional caregiver, who not only can accompany you to doctor’s visits but help you maintain a healthy lifestyle as well. 

For more information about Home Instead Senior Care, contact Shannon Wygant at 866-922-1400 or visit www.homeinstead.com. 

Editor’s Note:  This is the second in a weekly series which will be emailed every Monday to regional press affiliates to help promote health, welfare, and advocacy for our senior population.  Bert Copple, Director of Community Relations, can be reached via email at dcrcommerce@inspireseniors.com, or via cell at 248-953-9916.

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By Shannon Wygant, Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) and owner of the Waterford and Walled Lake, Michigan franchises of Home Instead Senior Care. 

  1. My 83-year-old mother, who lives alone, complains that her feet hurt more.  Is this a common problem for seniors and something we should be worried about?

The wear and tear that comes with aging can indeed cause foot problems for seniors, according to experts.  “Signs of foot trouble may include pain; excessively dry skin; thickened or discolored nails; swelling; redness; and unusual sensations,” reported Joshua Kaye, D.P.M, a podiatrist in Los Angeles, in an article written last year by Michelle Meadows for the FDA Consumer Magazine. What’s worse, foot pain can trigger other problems such as pain in the legs, hips and back, according to the article “Taking Care of Your Feet.”  Because foot problems may be potentially serious for seniors, the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) suggests that people take their socks off when they go to their primary care physician for a regular checkup. In a recent APMA survey of more than 600 people, 73 percent said their feet were not routinely inspected at doctor visits. 

Following are common foot ailments:

  • Fungal nails—Infections that can quickly spread to other nails.
  • Ingrown toenails—These can be caused by a variety of problems including improper nail trimming.
  • Bunions—Misaligned big toe joints that can become swollen and tender.
  • Hammertoes—Toes that are bent like claws, often caused by muscle imbalance or tight socks and shoes.
  • Corns and calluses—Calluses appear on the soles and corns on the top, often caused by skin rubbing against shoes.
  • Plantar Fascitis—Stretching or tearing of the plantar fascia, which runs along the bottom of the foot and supports the arch of the foot. (more…)

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I received this in my email box a few days ago and realized it was good infomration to post on the blog.  Take advantge of this if needed…

VNA Offers Vaccinations and Consultations for  Your Travels Abroad 

Visiting Nurse Association of Southeast Michigan is excited to introduce a brand new service to help you stay healthy while traveling abroad! VNA Travel Wise is your one-stop shop for pre-travel consultations and vaccinations.

VNA is also a certified provider of Yellow Fever vaccine. Services include:– Comprehensive pre-travel consultation includes review of vaccines needed for destinations, listings of known nearby medical facilities, health concerns summary, information on Yellow Fever and malaria (as appropriate) and other travel-related information.

– Travel and preventative vaccinations

Onsite or at Our Office.  Depending on your need, we offer individual appointments at our Oak Park office, or we will arrange for a nurse to arrive at your worksite, home or organization.Call VNA Today! (800) 882-5720, ext. 8755 

Visiting Nurse Association of Southeast Michigan, 25900 Greenfield Road, Ste. 600, Oak Park, MI 48237, www.vna.org

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By Shannon Wygant, Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) and owner of the Waterford and Walled Lake, Michigan franchises of Home Instead Senior Care. 

Q.    High cholesterol tends to run in my family and when I went for my last physical, I noticed that it was up.  My doctor said to watch what I eat and gave me a diet to follow, but it’s difficult since my wife died.   What can you suggest? 

One of the easiest ways to stay out of trouble at the grocery store is to start reading labels.  According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI: www.nhlbi.nih.gov), it’s important to choose foods that are low in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol.   The government has worked to make this easier for all of us. 

A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rule went into effect in January 2006 requiring that food labels list the amount of trans fat together with saturated fat and cholesterol. What makes trans fat so dangerous?  Trans fat is a type of fat that is formed when vegetable oil is hardened through a process called hydrogenation.  The process actually helps to prolong the shelf life of food. Unfortunately, saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol work together to raise the level of LDL “bad” cholesterol in the blood.  And those factors contribute to disease such as coronary heart disease (CHD), the main form of heart disease and a leading cause of death, illness and disability in the United States, according NHLBI. Check the “Nutrition Facts” panel of the food label.   (more…)

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By Shannon Wygant, Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) and owner of the Waterford and Walled Lake, Michigan franchises of Home Instead Senior Care. 

Q. As a 78-year-old man, I’ve heard that the incidence of prostate cancer goes up as men grow older.  What can you tell me about preventing this disease?

Western diets that are high in fat and red meat have been found to increase the risk of prostate cancer, experts have noted.  In addition, the calcium found in dairy products has been shown to increase the risk of prostate cancer by reducing the body’s levels of Vitamin D, which helps protect against prostate cancer, according to the National Prostate Cancer Coalition (www.fightprostatecancer.org.)


Growing evidence shows that changing diet and behavior can lower a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer, according to several studies reported by the National Prostate Cancer Coalition, the details of which follow.  Be sure to consult your doctor before dramatically changing your diet or adding any vitamin supplements:


Five servings or more of fruit per day can cut the risk of prostate cancer in half. Fruit helps, in part, by containing fructose which stimulates the body’s ability to create Vitamin D, a nutrient believed to reduce prostate cancer risk. (more…)

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Is it possible to pin-point Alzheimer’s disease?  The answer, I’m afraid, is no.  In fact, the only way a person can truly be diagnosed with the disease is during an autopsy.  So how can we better target the potential that a person actually has Alzheimer’s?  The picture below shows what a PET scan can show in terms of the brain’s activity.  Even though this is still not the perfect way to determine if a person has Alzheimer’s, it is a definite manner by which a neurologist can determine if a medication can be used to help maintain helathy brain activity.

Brain Scan Results

So what are some of the advancements being made today in the study, treatment, and preention of Alzheimer’s and dementia?  The following article was published in the Summer issue of Inspire Magazine.  Written by Dr. Peter Lichtenberg of Wayne State Univeristy, it offers a glimpse into what advances are being made on this topic.

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Understanding Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease and New Approaches to Care

by Peter A. Lichtenberg, Ph.D., ABPP, Director, Institute of GerontologyProfessor of Psychology at Wayne State University        

Alzheimer’s disease has become a household word, affecting over five million Americans and feared by millions more.  The MetLife Foundation reported in a 2006 study that after cancer, Alzheimer’s is the second most feared disease among both middle-aged and older Americans.  Despite its prevalence and the increasing attention to it by the public and healthcare professionals, Alzheimer’s disease remains a difficult disease for families and general health practitioners to recognize and treat.          

In 2006, the Michigan Dementia Coalition conducted a statewide behavioral surveillance survey about memory loss.  One of the survey’s most striking results was the lack of public awareness about where to get help for Alzheimer’s disease.  The majority of those surveyed (60%) said they would seek help from their family doctor.  The next most popular response was searching the Internet for information (10%).  Sadly, only 1% had heard of the Alzheimer’s Association or would contact them for information, indicating a large gap between the public’s fear of Alzheimer’s disease and their actual knowledge about it and its treatment.        (more…)

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